Uses of Class

Packages that use AddressSpace
jfrace Basic interfaces and classes of the framework. 
jfrace.cpu Classes emulating Central Processing Units. 
jfrace.device Devices and their configurators (if necessary). 
jfrace.view GUI classes for visualizing emulation. 

Uses of AddressSpace in jfrace

Methods in jfrace that return AddressSpace
 AddressSpace AddressSpaceEvent.getAddressSpace()
          Return the address space from which a piece of hardware has been added or removed.
 AddressSpace SystemConfigurator.getAddressSpace()
          Return the address space.
 AddressSpace Emulator.getAddressSpace()
          Return the address space.
 AddressSpace CPU.getAddressSpace()
          Get the address space.

Methods in jfrace with parameters of type AddressSpace
 java.lang.String Statement.setState(CPU cpu, AddressSpace as)
          Set the state of the given CPU or memory in accordance to this statement.
 void Statement.test(java.lang.StringBuffer sb, CPU cpu, AddressSpace as)
          Test the state of CPU and memory in accordance to this statement.
static void CPUConfigurator.configureCPU(AddressSpace as, java.lang.String description, java.lang.String packageCPUPrefix)
          Create a CPU from the given description and add it to the given AddressSpace.
 boolean Configurator.configurate(AddressSpace as, java.lang.String configResources, java.lang.String packagePrefix, java.lang.String[] args)
          Create and configurate a Device which will be attached to the address space.
 void CPU.setAddressSpace(AddressSpace addressSpace)
          Set the address space.

Constructors in jfrace with parameters of type AddressSpace
AddressSpaceEvent(AddressSpace anAddressSpace, int aType, int anAddressOffset, int aModeMask, Hardware aPieceOfHardware)
          Create an event.

Uses of AddressSpace in jfrace.cpu

Fields in jfrace.cpu declared as AddressSpace
protected  AddressSpace

Methods in jfrace.cpu that return AddressSpace
 AddressSpace Intel8080.getAddressSpace()
 AddressSpace FJE5.getAddressSpace()
 AddressSpace MC6502.getAddressSpace()

Methods in jfrace.cpu with parameters of type AddressSpace
 void Intel8080.setAddressSpace(AddressSpace addressSpace)
          Set the address space.
 void FJE5.setAddressSpace(AddressSpace addressSpace)
 void MC6502.setAddressSpace(AddressSpace addressSpace)

Uses of AddressSpace in jfrace.device

Methods in jfrace.device with parameters of type AddressSpace
 boolean CPMEmulatorConfigurator.configurate(AddressSpace as, java.lang.String configSource, java.lang.String packagePrefix, java.lang.String[] args)
          Create an instance of CPMEmulator, configurate it and add it (as a device) to the address space.
static void RAM.createRAMAndAddToAS(AddressSpace as, java.lang.String description, documentBase)
          Create an instance from a description string and add it to the given address space.
 void CPMDisk.setDiskParameters(AddressSpace as, int address)
          Set disk parameters.
 boolean CPMDisk.loadCCPBDOS(AddressSpace as)
          Load CCP and BDOS from the system tracks.
 boolean CPMDisk.readSector(int track, int sector, AddressSpace as, int destination)
          Read a logical sector from the disk.
 boolean CPMDisk.writeSector(int track, int sector, AddressSpace as, int source)
          Write a logical sector to the disk.

Constructors in jfrace.device with parameters of type AddressSpace
CPMEmulator(AddressSpace as, java.lang.String theDiskPath, int jbiosSystemAdrPointer, int biosOffset, byte[] bios, int port, Terminal terminal)
          Create a new instance.

Uses of AddressSpace in jfrace.view

Constructors in jfrace.view with parameters of type AddressSpace
AddressBankViewer(AddressSpace anAddressSpace, int aFirstAddress, int aSize, int aCellSize)
          Create an instance for the given AddressSpace and starts the animation thread.
MemoryCellViewer(AddressSpace anAddressSpace, int aNumber, java.awt.Font anFont)