Uses of Class

Packages that use AddressSpaceEvent
jfrace Basic interfaces and classes of the framework. 
jfrace.cpu Classes emulating Central Processing Units. 
jfrace.device Devices and their configurators (if necessary). 

Uses of AddressSpaceEvent in jfrace

Methods in jfrace with parameters of type AddressSpaceEvent
 void AddressSpaceListener.hardwareMoved(AddressSpaceEvent event)
          A Hardware has been added to (or removed from) an AddressSpace.

Uses of AddressSpaceEvent in jfrace.cpu

Methods in jfrace.cpu with parameters of type AddressSpaceEvent
 void Intel8080.hardwareMoved(AddressSpaceEvent event)
          When a RAM is added to the AddressSpace of the CPU the memory byte array is taken from it in order to improve reading/writing performance to the memory.

Uses of AddressSpaceEvent in jfrace.device

Methods in jfrace.device with parameters of type AddressSpaceEvent
 void ELZET80Keyboard.hardwareMoved(AddressSpaceEvent event)
          Catch the CPMEmulator when it is added to the address space.