Uses of Interface

Packages that use AddressSpaceListener
jfrace Basic interfaces and classes of the framework. 
jfrace.cpu Classes emulating Central Processing Units. 
jfrace.device Devices and their configurators (if necessary). 

Uses of AddressSpaceListener in jfrace

Methods in jfrace with parameters of type AddressSpaceListener
 void AddressSpace.addAddressSpaceListener(AddressSpaceListener asl)
          Add an AddressSpaceListener.
 void AddressSpace.removeAddressSpaceListener(AddressSpaceListener asl)
          Remove an AddressSpaceListener.

Uses of AddressSpaceListener in jfrace.cpu

Classes in jfrace.cpu that implement AddressSpaceListener
 class Intel8080
          Emulation of the 8-bit microprocessor Intel 8080.
 class Z80
          Implements an emulation of Zilog's Z80 8-bit processor.

Uses of AddressSpaceListener in jfrace.device

Classes in jfrace.device that implement AddressSpaceListener
 class ELZET80Keyboard
          Keyboard of my old ELZET 80 system.