Uses of Interface

Packages that use CPU
jfrace Basic interfaces and classes of the framework. 
jfrace.cpu Classes emulating Central Processing Units. 
jfrace.view GUI classes for visualizing emulation. 

Uses of CPU in jfrace

Methods in jfrace that return CPU
 CPU AddressSpace.getCPU(int index)
          Return the CPU for the given index.

Methods in jfrace with parameters of type CPU
 java.lang.String Statement.setState(CPU cpu, AddressSpace as)
          Set the state of the given CPU or memory in accordance to this statement.
 void Statement.test(java.lang.StringBuffer sb, CPU cpu, AddressSpace as)
          Test the state of CPU and memory in accordance to this statement.
 void AddressSpace.addCPU(int anAddressOffset, CPU aCpu)
          Add a CPU.
 void AddressSpace.removeCPU(CPU aCpu)
          Remove a CPU.

Constructors in jfrace with parameters of type CPU
EmulatorThread(CPU[] cpus, long yieldInterval, double clockFrequency, long adaptationTime, boolean printEffectiveClockFrequency, boolean debuging, int debugStart, int debugEnd, int debugStep)
          Create a new thread for the given group of CPUs.

Uses of CPU in jfrace.cpu

Classes in jfrace.cpu that implement CPU
 class FJE5
          A simple 5-bit CPU.
 class Intel8080
          Emulation of the 8-bit microprocessor Intel 8080.
 class MC6502
          The 6502 microprocessor.
 class Z80
          Implements an emulation of Zilog's Z80 8-bit processor.

Uses of CPU in jfrace.view

Constructors in jfrace.view with parameters of type CPU
          Create a new instance for the given CPU.