Uses of Interface

Packages that use Device
jfrace Basic interfaces and classes of the framework. 
jfrace.device Devices and their configurators (if necessary). 
jfrace.terminal Implementations of the Terminal interface. 

Uses of Device in jfrace

Methods in jfrace that return Device
 Device AddressSpace.getDevice(int index)
          Return the device of a given address bank.
 Device Terminal.getDevice()
          Return the device of the terminal.

Methods in jfrace with parameters of type Device
 void AddressSpace.addDevice(int firstAddress, int modeMask, Device device)
          Add a new device and thereby define a new address bank.
 void AddressSpace.removeDevice(Device device)
          Remove a device and the associated address bank.

Uses of Device in jfrace.device

Classes in jfrace.device that implement Device
 class CPMEmulator
          Device which emulates the BIOS for CP/M V2.2.
 class DummyDevice
          Dummy device.
 class ELZET80Keyboard
          Keyboard of my old ELZET 80 system.
 class GI_AY_3_8910
          This class emulates General Instrument's AY-3-8910 Programmble Sound Generator.
 class LCDDigit
          A Device simulating an LCD digit.
 class LCDPanel
          Panel of horizontally arrange LCDDigits.
 class RAM
          This class emulates the random access memory (RAM) of a computer.
 class ThomsonGDP
          Simulates a graphic display with the Thomson Graphic Display Processor (GDP) EF9365.

Uses of Device in jfrace.terminal

Methods in jfrace.terminal that return Device
 Device SimpleTerminal.getDevice()
          Returns null.
 Device Console.getDevice()
          Return the device of the terminal.
 Device ThomsonGDPTerminal.getDevice()
          Return the instance of ThomsonGDP on which this relies.